Jolly Roger H3
Run #479
July 18th, 2009
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Hash Trash

Jolly Roger H3 Hash Trash
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Hare: TaintTickler

The day was beautiful until it was time to gather for the hash in Clearwater. Taint Tickler spent all day pre-laying a 1,069 mile trail using flour and chalk; he forgot to use sunscreen as he was red as a beet. Needless to say, the decision points drawn in chalk would be washed away. Taint promised trail to be long so we were in for what seemed to be, an all-nighter. Bloody Z and Just Liz showed up, perfect timing as it was Bloody Z on deck to carry the chain with him on the death run. Hindsight tells me we should add more weights to the chain for Z and a few other FRBs out there.

ON-OUT: Wankers spread out to find flour, any flour, any where. We kept Taint Tickler in our peripheral vision knowing he would not wander too far from true trail as he had already been through it once that day. After Taint yelled "Tit Check!" 6 feet in front of a traffic cop, we ran as quick as we could through large fields and parks, almost knocking a dude off his bicycle on a drainage ditch crosswalk. We ran up hills to passover roads, just to run downhill and do it again. Dab sat beneath the overpass with some homeless dude and waited until we were sure just where we were supposed to be going. I teased On-On to get him to run which bought me a dog-walking ticket for 15 minutes; dang it! Nothing gets past GRC! The first beer stop was not hit until we had cleared 69 miles. I hoped Pin Cushion who was the beer van driver, had a good book! We head on through some more fields, snuck by DMC’s apartment complex, and made the second beer stop before midnight. By the time we got there, we were told at that time we were out on trail for two hours. Holy Jiminy Crickets! No wonder my thighs were screaming! The pack opted-out for the third beer stop and headed for the parking lot to get through circle before it was time for breakfast.

CIRCLE: There were late-cummers waiting for us at circle; HPV and SempreBi showed up all clean, dry, and full of energy (LuckyStrike and Lightning would show up even later). Yes, they eventually drank for that. Pin Cushion got tied up for contributing to 10 hashes, and I had received my red tag for 10 harings. The Bobbsey Twins, LostMyBalls and SaigonSally jointly received the FRB award being that they were in each other’s pants when arriving at finish (they even sported the same clothes, gag me!). Multiple accusations were made (up) and Taint cleansed the skull for the next victim. Pin Cushion received the Brainless award, I think we felt it was simply his turn to drink and stop talking. On another note, Goolight Special got Honorable Mention as she made us all feel sorry for her for losing her 100 hashing headband on trail, when in reality it was in her car.

The tired pack sang Swing Low and head on off to Wild Wings for chicken and fire works.

Casual Friday


Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Runs #479
Saturday, July 18th, 2009

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