Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Runs #513
Fall/Winter Adventure Hash II
On Road Bicycle Hash
Sunday, December 6th, 2009
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Did you take any photos during this hash? If so, load them on Picasa and send us the link and we'll put it here.

Hare Blessings

Here's to GRC and TaintTickler too!
They're our hares and I'm Dabadoo.
Welcome to the 2nd Fall/Winter Adventure Series hash/bash.
Hope this trail doesn't kick your....butt.
Suggest everyone wear a helmet,
Especially if you're a klutz.

Bless these hares.
Bless this trail.
Coppus no catch us.
Doggus no bite us.
Cold not frost bite us.
In the name of the flour,
The fun,
And the holy run.

On off!


Hash Trash

Coming soon, if you write one.

Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Run #513
Sunday, December 6th, 2009
Fall/Winter Adventure Series #2
On Road Bicycle Adventure Hash (Bash)


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