Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Run #
Friday-Sunday, June 11-12, 2010

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Click here to view the photos from Friday, June 11th
Click here to view the photos from Saturday & Sunday, June 12th & 13th.

Photos were taken by Dab, GRC, SaigonSally & CasualFriday.
Did you take any photos during this hash? If so, load them on Picasa and send us the link and we'll put it here.

Hare Blessing for Friday, June 11th, 2010

Wanks are here with kayaks & tubes
You'll hear always the bull shout show me your boobs
Our favorite harriette, GRC is haring tonight's trail
And Rectal's shorty shorts are sure to get him some tail
Since GinnieSprings is an awsome family place
TaintTickler will be Jonesing for at tent to plant his face
Its nice to see Hood Ornament, as he's been gone so long
Hash he been introduced to Tiffany's shong?

Repeat after me!

Bless this hare
Bless this trail
Ground snakes no suprise us
Rednecks no ruffee us
Porta potties no stink us
Bugs no irritate us
Poison Ivey no shred us

In the name of the flower
The fun
And the holy run

On Out!



Hare Blessing for Saturday, June 12th, 2010

Here's to CasualFriday, SaigonSally & TaintTickler too
They're our hares and I'm Dabadoo
The eagles will paddle all the way up river
Drinking all the way to out work out their liver
The turkeys will follow a foot trail to the first beer stop
They will carry their tubes so be carefull they don't pop
From there the turkey & eagles will float back together
Like a bunch of ducks of the same feather

Repeat after me....

Same as usual....


Hash Trashes

On Friday, June 11th, Trail #569 GayRodeoClown was the hare, PetMeI'mDrunk was the FRB and RectalRoomMate won the Brainless Award. More info to follow.


Then, on Saturday, June 12th, we did trail #570, the main event. The eagles paddled in kayaks about 2 miles up river from our campground following a trail set by CasualFriday and SaigonSally. At the half way point was a rum and champagne stop. Then they went back down river about .8 miles to meet up with the turkeys at the point where they launched from. The turkeys carried their floatation devices on a 1.5 mile foot trail set by TaintTickler that pretty much paralleled the river. Most of the paddlers and floaters eventually met up and floated back to camp together. PetMeI'mDrunk was the FRB and ShipWrectum won the Brainless Award. More info to follow...


I know I drank more than my fair share of beer and I am sure it has something to do with this mystery: how did my Houston Hash hat end up on my trailer door? I was looking for that hat the day I got at the campout and am sure that it was not with me, I figured I gave it away or lost it at some past hash. Then it shows up with my CO interhash shirt on my trailer door? I just gotta know how that happened. please write if you know. Well, it was well worth the 350 miles (one way) to hash with Jolly Roger H3. I am proud to have been there at the inception of Pussy Propulsion's name as she escorted a group of us on the river. It was good meeting all of you wankers.

ONON SucksontheBeach

-Getting ambushed on the unofficial midnight hash by some headlights - and rewarding them with some sort of caveman dance.
-Drinking "sloppy seconds" champagne from CausalFriday and SaigonSally on the river.  As in, the champagne entered there mouths before it did mine..yikes
-Check out my mast going "tent exploring" at 3am- sans clothes.
-To be fair, mast did actually have one piece of clothing on during said exploration-MotherLoad's sock..covering Mast's mast.
-Rectal running the midnight naked hash without shoes.
-Pretty much everything said, done, tripped over, or puked up by bull.
-Waking up in my tent at inebriated that I could not figure out where i was for a good five minutes.
-Learning what an ACBC was...I've been so sheltered.

Friday night's trail was short and sweet
Full of shiggy and water waist deep

Trail was followed by campfire songs
Where Ship Wrecktum and Casual wore matching sarongs

In circle all of us down-downed plenty of booze
Only some of us ran later, wearing nothing but shoes

Taint Tickler's dreams came true after midnight trail
He got an ass crack butt chug off a harriette's tail

Next morning the spring filled with kayaks and tubes
Though only one ladies check equals one set of boobs :(

Saturday's tubers could just lay back and have fun
Since they were powered by Pussy Propulsion

Many thanks to Taint, Saigon, Casual, GRC and Dabadoo
For the pirate invasion camp out and bringing friends together too.

"Dick slappin's my game"


If you're not wet, you're drinking!" -CasualFriday 

"Champagne makes me fart!" -GRC 

"Taint's not that juicy." -PetMeImDrunk   

"The Rectal Hostage Crisis" -JustRich 

"I look like a cutter!" -AlwaysTheBull 

"I sew, I don't talk!" -CasualFriday

" a good woman should!" -AlwaysTheBull 

"Why does every story start with 'RectalRoommate...' ?" -CheckOutMyMast 

"Anal broke flags." -PetMe

"Watch out for the -- oh no!" -CasualFriday

"Take-aways from this trp are a toe tag and a limp." -Saigon Sally

Casual Friday

Hare Blessing for Saturday, June 12th, 2010

Here's to CasualFriday, SaigonSally & TaintTickler too
They're our hares and I'm Dabadoo
The eagles will paddle all the way up river
Drinking all the way to out work out their liver
The turkeys will follow a foot trail to the first beer stop
They will carry their tubes so be carefull they don't pop
From there the turkey & eagles will float back together
Like a bunch of ducks of the same feather

Repeat after me....

Same as usual....



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