Jolly Roger H3 |
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May they lay their trail true
And not come up slack
For shortly behind them
Is an eager hungry pack
Repeat After Me;
Bless this Hare
Bless this Trail
Copus no Catchus
Dog no Biteus
Beer no Fearus
In the name of the Flour
The Fun,
And the Holy Run!
Shitty Name
Hash Trash(es)
Ship Wrecktum and F*ckle
Up were the hares, Diaper Dasher was the FRB, Access All Areas was the FBI and
the hares won the Brainless Award.
Let the record show that I was right!
Ship Wrecktum was snared for his live birthday trail by Kitty Litter. Mini
Magnum would have snared Fuckle but instead he asked "Are you?". Diaper Dasher
and Access would have snared Ship if it wasn't so dark. Consider me
Hashstradamus. In the end we needed a ranger ( I miss Ranger) to catch him since
the pack could have built a house with what we were required to carry on traiI.
Apparently drywall makes good chalk so the pack was required to carry chunks of
drywall for trail. I'm not kidding we had a bucket filled with drywall chunks.
At end circle Swamp Nipples collected the construction material in the chalk
bucket and then held the bucket the entire end circle so she could "remember the
chalk suckers better". Her words were "I just got named and I don't want to mess
this up." Just adorable. We've all been there at some point. Most of us don't
embrace the chalk bucket for the entire end circle but we'll blame it on the
trace asbestos mixed with in with the drywall...this time. This trail
was...exciting...and shitty ;)
On- The hares were lucky I didn't Ice them before trail.-On,
Inda Linda
Trail Directions & Info
Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Trail #751
Ship Wrecktum's Birthday Hash
Wednesday, January 25th, 2012
: Meet behind Murphy's Bar & Grill, located at 5915 Memorial Highway Tampa, FL.When: Meet at 6:30 PM, on trail at 7:30 PM.
To get there from I-4 & I-275, in Central Tampa, go south on I-275 for 5.2 miles to Exit 39. Go north on the Veteran's Expressway/FL 589 for 2.2 miles to Exit 2B. Go left on Independence Pkwy for 1.1 miles, left on Memorial Hwy/CR 576 for 1 mile and find Murphy's on the right. Click here for a map.Trail: This will be a 3 mile, dog & stroller friendly, "live" hare trail, with 1 beer stop and a shiggy level of 1 (
on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the toughest).Hares: Ship Wrecktum & F*ckle Up will be the hares.
Suggested Donations: $6 for drinkers and $3 for non-drinkers.
On After: The on after will be at Murphy's, back at the start.
Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.
Receding Hareline: Click
here to view it.