Jolly Roger H3 |
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Dab & Just Derrin
Shriner were the hares, Nautical Girl was the FRB, ? was the FBI and Rectal Room
Mate won the brainless award.
Trail Directions & Info
Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Trail #752
JRH3 9th Anniversary - Gasparilla Hash
Saturday, January 28th, 2012
What: Immediately following the Gasparilla Parade, attend the JRH3 9th Anniversary/Gasparilla Hash! Open to everybody. No RSVP needed. The RSVP was just for people who wanted personalized toe tags. But you can still get the commemorative T-shirt and mug (limited supply available)! Andt we will have several generic ones to pass out. And you can still order a shirt and mug if there are any left.
Parade: The Tampa Bay H3 (TBH3) plans on viewing the Gasparilla parade in the grassy area between the north and south bound lanes of Bayshore at Ardson. If you want to view the parade with them, suggest you meet there prior to 2 PM (parade start time). The earlier you arrive the better due to traffic and parking. Then around 3:45 PM, walk about 1 mile to the JRH3 Hash starting location. To get there, go north on Ardson for one block, right on Palm for 3 blocks, left on Howard for .6 miles, right on Bristol for .1 miles, left on Albany and find the starting location on the right in parking area next to the tennis courts. A trail will be laid leading you from the parade view area to the JRH3 hash starting location. Click here for a map.
Theme: Wear your pirate gear to the parade and
then to the JRH3 9th Anniversary Hash! However, suggest you change into sneakers
for trail if you plan to run.
Hash Meeting Location:
Meet by the tennis courts in the park, located at approximately
2100 W Swann Ave. Its in
the southeast corner of Swann and Albany, in Tampa, FL. Suggest you arrive early
as parking and traffic will be an issue due to the nearby parade. Click
here for a
map. Click
here for a
map of authorized parking locations near the hash start.
When: Meet at hash starting location at 4 PM, on trail at 5:00 PMish.
Directions: From I-275 & I-4, in central Tampa, go south on I-275 for 1.4 miles to Exit 42 toward Howard & Armenia. Go left on Armenia for 1.3 miles. Go left on Swann for .2 miles, go right on Albany and find the tennis courts and park on the left across from Sweetbay. Click here for a map.
Trail: This will be a 2-3 mile, dog & stroller friendly, dead hare, preset trail with a shiggy level of 1 (on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the toughest).
Hares: Dab and Just Derrin will be the hares.
Suggested Donation: $25 for drinkers and $22 for non-drinkers. Subtract $12 if you don't want the commemorative shirt and $7 if you don't want the mug (in other words $6 for drinkers and $3 for non-drinkers).
RSVP: Please send and email to dab@jollyrogerh3.com, or a text to 813-943-4855. Even if you don't RSVP, you are still welcome to attend and buy a shirt and mug if there are any left over. You just won't get a "personalized" toe tage. We have several generic ones to hand out though.
1. Name (Hash name, or nerd name if none).
2. Gender (Male or Female).
3. Men's Shirt size (S, M, L, XL, or 2XL).
4. Remarks (Don't want shirt and/or mug, will only attend on after, etc).
Who's Coming: Click here to see who's coming so far.
Hash Raffle: Yes there will be a raffle, so bring your junk to donate. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
On After: The on after will be at the Deck Pizza and Pub, located at 2202 W Platt St, in Tampa, FL. To get there from the starting location, go left on Swann for .1 mile, right on Howard for .3 miles, right on Platt and find the Deck Pizza and Pub on the right. Click here for the map.
Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.
Receding Hareline: Click
here to view it.