Jolly Roger H3, Trail # 1007Treasure Island Bicycle Hash Saturday, May 31st, 2014 Home Archives ← 1008 1006 → |
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Shitty Name
Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner
(Basic Hash Trash)
Hash Trash (Expanded Hash Trash or map of trail)
It was a really hot and muggy day for a hash. So a
bicycle hash was perfect because you don't get as hot when you're on
a bike, as you create your own breeze. A total of 21 faces showed
for this event. But our out-of-town visitor, Dicklicksya, didn't arrive
until the circle at the end and Extended Dick Network and his wench, Just Lauri,
only made it to the on after. And Ranger Ralph and Diaper Dasher, who
were supposed to be the RAs for this hash, who were on their way
together, had car trouble and had to abort. So, Shitty Name acted at
the RA instead and Puppy acted as On Sec and we had a hash.
Last year we lost a good portion of our 3 bicycle beach hashes trail
markings due
to heavy rains. So this year, our lead hare, GRC, decided to use large
crayons to mark trail instead of just chalk and flour. However, it was
a little more difficult to see, so we put
flour dots in between the crayon marks to make it easier to follow.
Expect to see this again when there's a good chance for it to rain
on trail, as this worked out really well.
We started in the parking lot of the Dophin Marine Rentals because there were bicycles there available to rent. The Dolphin Marine Rentals staff was really nice about having us start our trail there, however, the ice cream shop owner who actually owned the parking lot was a real asshole about it. So we will never start from this location again, or purchase any of his ice cream either. What jerk! We didn't even have any cars parked there, except for the beer van which left right after the pack set off on trail. I guess it would've helped some if anybody had rented a bike there though, not that the Marine place cared.
Trail went north along Gulf Blvd and then into a residential area to the east for a count back 17, which put us back onto Gulf Blvd again, northbound, for another residential area just prior to the bridge that lead across Johns Pass. Eventually trail led the pack up and over the tall bridge at Johns pass and then visited yet another residential area finally leading across Gulf Blvd to a beer stop next to the the beach. From there trail went almost directly south back down Gulf Blvd on the west side zig zagging slightly around condos, homes, hotels and businesses. Then onto the scenic paved walkway that parallels the Treasure Island beach for a little over a mile down the beautiful coastline, ending at a huge blow up slip-n-slide, and shot stop, where most of the pack cooled off for a bit and went down the watery slide. From there trail led eastward back across Gulf Blvd again and ended in Treasure Island Park next to the pirate statue where we hoped to do a photo op. Unfortunately, it started pouring down rain before we could assemble for a photo, so the photo you see at the top of this page is actually from last year's bicycle hash on Treasure Island. There was a drive thru bank directly across the street from Treasure Island Park where we all scurried over to in order to avoid getting drenched that served as an outstanding location to conduct circle (that's 2 hashes in a row we've had to use a drive thru bank for circle at the end). Go to http://www.runningmap.com/?id=731318 to view a map of the route.
During trail trial, the majority of the pack gave a thumbs up with only few thumbs down for silly things like, no boobs on trail and its always a shitty trail. But that's not the hare's fault, so no biggie. Then Virgin Von entertained us with the theme song from the old Beverly Hillbillies TV show. His sponsor, and gone too long, now St Pete H3 hasher, Date Rape Tom (or DR Tom) demonstrated a proper down down for Just Von. We then moved on to multiples where Willy Wanka was presented with a 69 run headband from Shitty Name. And Just Jen got a blow job from Dances With Seaman for accomplishing her 5th trail, although this was actually her 8th. Better late than never, eh. The pack once again tried to award the FRB chain to HPV for buying the heavy thing, but finally settled on Dances as the true FRB and Just Jen as the FBI. All the harriettes (GRC, Crusher, Willy Wanka, Smack My Bitch Up & Just Jen) won the Brainless Award for keeping their puppies under wrap during the entire hash.
Due to the rain, we did not conduct a hash raffle. But bring your stuff to the one in 2 weeks and we will do it then.
Immediately following circle about 12 of us went down the street
to the VIP Bar & Grill for some Mexican cuisine. All in all it was just another
shitty hash!
The next JRH3 hash will be on Wed, Jun 4th where Just Ashley will do her virgin
lay, assisted by Taxi. Meet in the parking lot behind
Perkins Restaurant, located at
5002 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33617
Trail Directions & Info
Roger H3, Trail #1007
the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Treasure Island Bicycle
Hash + Raffle Raffle
May 31st, 2014
Where: Meet at Dolphin Marine Rentals, located at 11025 Gulf Blvd, Treasure Island, FL 33706, https://goo.gl/maps/OPYJu, where you can rent a bike for $10-$12. If you rent a bicycle from them you can park there for FREE. Otherwise suggest you park in public parking 1 block to the south at 10860 Gulf Blvd, Treasure Island, FL 33706, https://goo.gl/maps/2qZD8.
Meet at 3 PM, chalk talk at 4 PM prompt!Hare:
Dab & GRC will be the hares.Hash Raffle: Bring stuff to donate if you'd like. One hasher's trash a pirate hasher's treasure.
On After:
The on after will be at VIPs Mexican Lounge & Restaurant, located at 10625 Gulf Blvd, Treasure Island, FL 33706. To get there from the starting location, suggest you leave your vehicle parked where its at and walk south down Gulf Blvd for .3 miles and find the VIP on the left, https://goo.gl/maps/0I0QU.RSVP: RSVPs are not required, but let us know if you will be attending and we will add you to the Who's Coming List. Also, let us know if you plan to ride a bicycle or do trail on foot and if you will be renting a bicycle from Dolphin Marine Rentals. Send your RSVP to dab@jollyrogerh3.com.
Who's Coming: Click
here to see who's coming so far.Bike Rentals: Dolphin Marine Rentals, at the starting location, rents bicycle for $10-$14 for 4 hours. They close at 6 PM, so if you rent one from them you will have to have the bikes back NLT that. To reserve a bike, call 727-360-8408 and ask for Steve. For more info, visit their website at http://www.dolphinmarinerentals.com/index.html.
Last Year's Photos: To find a link to last year's photos, go to http://jollyrogerh3.com/2013_06_09.htm.
Phone Number:
For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.Receding Hareline: Click
here to view it.