JRH3 Trail #1025
Sat, Aug 23rd, 2014
Capt Blow Boat's Clearwater Trail

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Hare Blessing

Standard Blessing w/Poem?

Shitty Name

Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner (Basic Hash Trash)

Capt Blow Boat was the hare, Dog F*cker was the FRB, Thumper Humper was the FBI and Lesbiorthecoz won the Brainless Award because she is moving away.


 Hash Trash (Expanded Hash Trash or map of trail)

There were thunderstorms around the area until about 4:30 PM. But then the skies turned blue because God loves hashing. So we had a hash. There were 22 faces in all. There were 19 locals and 3 out-of-town visitors, Tampa On Tampa Off, Sisssy's Panties & Just Gavin.

During circle at the start, our hare, Capt Blow Boat, asked for a 4 minute head start to set off on his first totally solo live hare trail. We gave Swallow The Leader and Thumper, our most recent FRB and FBI, chains to carry on trail, a song, and a down down to slow them down down. Next, after introducing the aforementioned visitors, local JRH3 1st timer, Jacuzzi Floozie was introduced. Then Lesbiorthecox, Shitty Name and Willy Wanka all took turns driving the beer truck as the pack set off on trail (at least they said they all took turns).

There was a variety of terrain along trail. This 4-5 mile trail went through several of parks, bike paths, railroad tracks and some residential areas. It was a very good, interesting route, but there were a lot of long stretched out areas that put much distance between the walkers and the runners. But the majority of the pack gave it thumbs back at circle at the end.

During circle at the end, Dog F*cker and Thumper Humper were awarded the FRB and FBI chains, respectively, for being the first in for each gender. I think I heard that the hare almost got caught by some short cutting walker, but jumped 2 fences to avoid capture.

First off during circle at the end  was a hash raffle, conducted by Taint Tickler, who was our original Raffle Meister, temporarily resuming his duties during this hash since our current Raffle Meisters were not present (probably off fishing somewhere or driving to Michigan). Most noteworthy of prizes was a short skirt won by our OnSec, Rectal Room, who of course wore the item throughout the rest of circle.

Lectric Legs was awarded a whistle by Cockeyed for accomplishing here 5th JRH3 trail. There were no other significant multiples achieved during this hash. However, we decided it was time to name Just Matt since he had attended over 10 JRH3 trails. We named Just Matt "Loves F*king Fish" because he apparently raises and sells tropical fish to fish stores.

There were several gone too longs, Numb Nuts, Sloppy Red Wings and Capt Blow Boat, but most notable was Just Justin who said the reason he hadn't been back in awhile was because he didn't particularly like us all that much. Hmmm, guess we'll have to work on tha some. And Snatch Wrapper and Metawhorical Sunshine showed up during the later part of circle and were recognized accordingly as late comers. Last but not least, we said goodbye to Lesbiorthecox who is moving to San Francisco.  We hate to see you go, but we really do hope you come back, even though the song we sang her said differently.

Photos were taken by yours truly since with a little help from Rectal at the beginning. And, Cockeyed acted as beer angel.

All in all it was just another shitty hash!

The next JRH3 hash will be on Wed, Aug 27th when Inda Linda will be haring away live on a "Shrodinger Style Trail" at 6:30 PM, pack away at 7:30 PM. That's a 1 hour head start. Trail will start at Henry Ola Park,  located at 502 W Henry Ave, Tampa, FL 33604, https://goo.gl/maps/fCnr6. For complete info, go to  http://jollyrogerh3.com/2014_08_27_Directions.htm, or the home page.


Trail Directions & Info

Where: Meet in the SW parking area of the Eddie C Moore Softball Complex, located at 2994 Drew St, Clearwater, FL 33759 https://goo.gl/maps/UfTUC.

When: Meet at 4 PM, on off at 5 PM.

Directions: To get there from I-275 & I-4, in central Tampa, go southwest on I-275 for 4.8 miles. Take Exit 39 to merge onto FL-60 W toward Tampa Airport/Clearwater. for 1.6 miles. Take exit 2A for Florida 60 W toward Clearwater for 0.4 miles and merge onto FL 69 W across Tampa Bay for 9.9 miles. Go right on McMullen Booth Rd, for 0.5 miles. Go left on Drew St and find the baseball fields on the right. Look for the beer van in the SW parking area,  http://goo.gl/maps/vg8gY.

Trail: This will be a 4+ mile, semi-live trail, with 1 beer stop and a shiggy level of 3, on a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the toughest.

Donations: Suggest $7 for beer drinkers and $4 for non-beer drinkers.

Hare: Capt Blow Boat will be the hare.

Hash Raffle: One hashers trash is a pirate hasher's treasure! Feel free to bring something to donate if you like, or not. We already have plenty of stuff to giveaway. You don't need to donate something to get something. But you can donate if you want to.

On After: The on after will be at the "Original" Hooter's, located at 2800 Gulf To Bay Blvd, Clearwater, FL 33759, http://goo.gl/maps/J1JHU. To get there from the starting location, go right on Drew St for 0.7 miles, left on Hampton for 0.5 miles and find Hooters on the left, just prior to Gulf To Bay Blvd.  http://goo.gl/maps/HDBSQ.

Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.

Receding Hareline: Click here to view it

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