JRH3 Trail #1556
Sat, Jan 1st, 2022

New Years Day Hangover Hash

Coming soon

1557  1555

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Did you take any photos during this event? If so, load them on Google Photos, or similar, and send us the link and we'll put it here.
Please be sure to check back as more photos will be added to this site over the next week or so.

Click here for a list of attendees.

Hare Toast

The below standard hare blessing/toast was the approximately what was conducted during this hash.

Standard hare blessing/toast

Hare, RA, OnSec/Hash Cash, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner (Basic Hash Trash)

Hot Tub Slut & Sticky Shutters were the hars, Dab was the RA, Hazukashii was the FRB, GRC was the FBI and yours truly, Dab, won the brainless award for almost falling on trail. We drove from our (Dab & yours truly's house) house, to the Grove Theater parking lot where we circled up for a token, hang over hash. The hares basically laid a trail straight from the east end of the Grove Strip Mall to the west end where we did a "breakfast stop" at the Grove Crackle Barrel. After breakfast, we all followed trail backwards to the start.


Commentary (Expanded Hash Trash)

Coming soon, maybe?

Approximate Map of True Trail

Coming soon, maybe?

Trail Info (actual data)

None, it was word of mouth for those who attended the NYE Hash the night before.