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Greetings fellow wankers!
I'm your RA, called Thump
And I welcome you to the 60th Anniversary
Of Dab's inaugural bungee jump
No worries about trail
There are many times that dab hash hared
The 1st time he layed, in fact,
He parted the Read Sea to not to get snared
So enjoy his trail today
'Cause next year you'll mona
At the 2 ensure stops
And tit checks in an old folks home
But through the single malts, multi wifes
And hashes of 60 years
Never was a GM better
Hashy birthday, now where's the beers?
Standard JRH3 blessing
Thumper Humper
Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner
(Basic Hash Trash)
Dabadoo was the hare, Taxi was the FRB, Just Ashley (W) was the FBI and Urine Idiot won the Brainless Award.
Hash Trash (Expanded Hash Trash or map of trail)
This was to be a preset, dead hare trail on a bicycle. I'm too slow to do a live trail anymore and my knees start hurting after walking about a mile. So its pre-laying a trail on a bicycle or nothin' for me. I came out early to check out a trail I scouted out on Google Maps. It looked good from the satellite view. My wife, GRC, and I had set this trail once before about 2 years ago. It was about a 2 shiggy level. But when I showed up to scout trail I found the 2 shiggy level was more like a 5 and was not settable without a lot of machete action and water wings. This trail might be settable again next winter when all the vegetation dies off and the water recedes. Good thing I went directly to heavy shiggy area first to take a look at it before actually tired to set the entire trail. So off to plan B.
Plan B was composed of sidewalks, parking lots roads and only a small amount of grass. But even plan B was doubtful as at least 2 massive thunderstorms were approaching the area. Rather than to risk getting completely washed out and then having to set it again later, I tried to wait out the weather. Besides that, I only had enough flour to lay it once. The storms to the east and the storm to the west pretty much stayed east and west and only shed us with a light sprinkle so I decided to start prelaying about 7 PMish. After only crashing the bike once while setting trail, I arrived back at the start slightly after the circle at the start began around 7:35 PMish.
During circle at the the start GRC had handed out fanny packs to everyone as my birthday present to me. GRC said if I'm going to look like a dork on my Birthday Hash, everyone is going to look like a dork and she insisted that everyone wear them on trail. This is the second time in 3 years GRC handed out fanny packs for my Birthday Hash. I wonder if she's trying to tell me something. She also gave me a new sterling silver hash name necklace and raincoat with the JRH3 emblem embroidered on it.
Anyway, about trail. There we no count backs (for which I am famous for) and only a few simple checks. Trail mostly consisted of doo loops down one side of an area and then back on the other so the walkers could short cut to keep up with the runners as they came back toward them. Actually, from what I observed, it looked like the walkers were the FRBs much of the time, so I guess it worked. The pack actually had to do the last portion of trail backwards, since it was A to A and there was no other safe route back to the start. When trail was within about 1/2 mile from the end I simply wrote "Go back to the start" on the ground with a pack arrow pointing toward the end. This way the pack couldn't say trail crossed itself because they weren't actually following a trail during the last 1/2 mile, just directions. I wanted to avoid putting the pack into a continuous loop as some might have started following the arrows away from the start again.As a side note, it rained lightly during the entire trail. The thunderstorms kept their distance away from us but they did put on a spectacular lightning show above us as if the 2 storms were fighting with each other.
I had pre-positioned a cooler of beer in Spicy's truck at the end in case the pack made it back before the beer truck from the beer stop. However, it was really not needed as I got the beer truck back only a minute or 2 after the FRBs arrived. Because of the continuous rain, we decided to conduct circle a sheltered picnic area back next to the start. This time of year its always a good idea to have some sort of shelter handy for the circle at the end. It was a little cramped but it worked out pretty well.
Surprisingly, I got only 2 thumbs down during trail trial. Thanks pack! I think that was probably a birthday gift to me.
We had 1 virgin and 1 out-of-town visitor. The virgin, Just Kevin(L) said he enjoyed the hash and planned to come back in about 2 months after he finished with a pending military deployment . The visitor, In Your Endo, from some east coast hash (Virginia Beach, I think), complimented us as well, but would be continuing his journey back home before our next hash.
Lock Jaws was awarded a bandanda for accomplishing her 50th JRH3 trail with us as did Rectal Room Mate for his 325th. Urine Idiot was recognized for his 11th, Smack My Bitch Up for her 44th (double digit), Pet Me (who we actually missed) for her 75th, Shitty Name for his 170th, Goo for her 215 and GRC for her 495th. Other awards included Taxi as the FRB, Just Ashley (L) as the FBI and Urine Idiot winning the Brainless Award for getting cut up after jumping over some bushes on trail.
After circle about 20 of us went into the
on after at Whiskey Joes where we enjoyed birthday cake, more beer and all
around cheer. All in all it was just another shitty hash!
Trail Directions & Info
Where: Meet in the overflow parking lot of Whiskey Joe's Bar & Grill, located at 7720 W Courtney Campbell Causeway Tampa, FL 33607
. Its actually the east parking lot of the Ben T Davis Beach and just west of Whisky Joe's. For a map go to http://goo.gl/maps/sCX1c.When: Meet at 6:30 PM, hares away at 7:30 PM.
Directions: From I-275 & I-4, in central Tampa, From I-275 and I-4, go south on I-275 for 4.8 miles to Exit 39. Go north on the Veterans Expressway/FL-60 for 1.6 miles to Exit 2A. Take the FL-60 Exit for .4 miles. Merge onto the Courtney Campbell Cswy for 1.9 miles and find the Whiskey Joe's on the left.
For a map, go to http://goo.gl/maps/zyFOu.Trail: This will be a 3+ mile "pre-set, dead hare" trail with one beer stop/shot stop. This trail has a shiggy rating of 2 (on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the toughest).
Donations: Suggest $7 for drinkers and $3 for non-drinkers.
Hare: Dab will be the hare and the birthday boy.
On After: The on after will be at Whiskey Joe's, back at the start, where there will be birthday cake!
Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.
Receding Hareline: Click
here to view it.