Arrrr Mismanagement

Active Mismanagement
Current as of 5/5/2023

In order of best attendance
 (last 10 hashes)
(Hash Name)

Photo or Descriptive Image

JRH3 MISMANAGEMENT: The below positions were commandeered by the GM. They come and go based on regular, recent attendance, involvement and performance. Active mismanagement members attend between 5 and 10 out of the last 10 local hashes. Even appearances count for attendance, but not for awards. If you want a mismanagement position, just start doing something and you will eventually be commandeered into that position. If not, then just ask and you will eventually be given the opportunity to try your luck in that a position. Members are listed here in order of best attendance within the last 10 hashes. Out of town hashes, campouts and cruises do not count against mismanagement attendance. They are extra credit. Nor does missing hashes because of temporary reassignment in the military, job, or an extended vacations, etc. Ya just  got to have a good reason to miss 10 or more in a row and still remain in a mismanagement position. After about 2 years in a position, appointees should expect to be replaced in their primary role(s) and become more of an alternate. Once you become a primary Religious Advisor you are automatically considered to be an Alternate GM and your other previous positions may no longer be listed on this chart. All mismanagement members are considered to be "Spare Hares" as well as other regular attendees with about 50% or higher attendance during the last 10 hashes.

ELECTIONS: Once the JRH3 founder steps down from the incumbent GM position, at his discretion, future GMs will be elected by members having 50% or better attendance (out of the last 10 runs). GM elections will be every 2 years shortly after the JRH3 anniversary date of Jan 29. All other positions are appointed by the GM.

The below JRH3 Mismanagement members are listed in order of best, recent attendance, within the last 10 trails.

Founder, GM, Beer Meister, Hash Cash, Hare Raiser, Web Guy & Alternate Everything
Started the JRH3 Jan 29th, 2003
Dabadoo (Dab)

Acts as the Grand Master (GM), stands around and tries to look important, brings the beer, recruits and trains hares, keeps the JRH3 web page current, keeps track of multiples, writes all this crap you're reading, appoints mismanagement members, takes photos, keeps track of hash cash, and finances everything when there is no hash cash.

Spare Hare
Commandeered in 2020
2 Rung Circus

Steps up to hare when nobody else volunteers and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Religious Advisor
Commandeered in 2021
attendance 5/1

Conducts hash religion at the start and end and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Hare Raiser,
Hash Cruise Mistress Of Misadventures, Scribe  & Alt GM
Commandeered in 2021 & 2022
Math Sucks Let's F...

Recruits hares, etc, and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Hash Flash
Commandeered in 2024
Free Willy

Takes photos and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Semi-Active Mismanagement

Semi-Active Mismanagement Members are members who's attendance is between 1 and 4 out of the last 10 "local" JRH3 hashes, but make themselves available to fill in when the "Active Mismanagement Members" cannot attend or perform. They are like back ups or alternates. Members in this category are normally not asked to vote on issues and will be considered inactive if their attendance stays below 50% too for long.
Spare Hare
Commandeered in 2022
attendance 4/10
Shitting Bull

Steps up to hare when nobody else volunteers and otherwise helps out as necessary.


Religious Advisor
Commandeered in 2017
attendance 3/1


Dark Helmet

Conducts hash religion at the start and end and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Hash Flash
Commandeered in 2022

Takes photos and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Senior Religious Advisor and
 SR Alt GM
Commandeered in 2018
Rectal Room Mate

Conducts hash religion at the start and end and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Honorary Longevity Member(s)

Member(s) deserving recognition as an Honorary Mismanagement Member because they have consistently contributed to the JRH3 for more than 10 years and  at least occasionally still attend and perform their functions.

Founder, GM, Beer Meister, Hash Cash, Hare Raiser, Web Guy & Alternate Everything
Started the JRH3 Jan 29th, 2003
Dabadoo (Dab)

Acts as the Grand Master (GM), stands around and tries to look important, brings the beer, recruits and trains hares, keeps the JRH3 web page current, keeps track of multiples, writes all this crap you're reading, appoints mismanagement members, takes photos, keeps track of hash cash, and finances everything when there is no hash cash.

Alt On Sec/Alt Hash Cash
Commandeered in 2003

Acts as Alt On Sec/Hash Cash; Signs hasher in as they arrive, collects hash and otherwise helps out as necessary. Duties.

Alt Religious Advisor (RA)
Commandeered in 200

Will Sing For Head

Alt RA, Conducts hash religion at the start and end and otherwise helps out as necessary. Used to be a primary RA.

Haberdasher, Hash Artist, Cruise Planner &  Game Hostess
Commandeered in 2005
Gay Rodeo Clown

Creates the artwork for most of our haberdashery items like T-shirts, mugs, patches, lanyards, backpacks, etc. She has attended the 4th most runs in the JRH3 (636) and has laid the 2nd most trails (111) with a ratio nearly 17.5%, as of 4-10-2021. Over the years she has acted as Alternate RA, Haberdasher, Event Mangler, Spare Hare, Hash Flash and Naming Mistress. Co-founded the JRH3 Pirate Invasion Hash Cruises where she acts as hostess for the hash games and challenges and has been on every JRH3 hash cruise since they started. Co-founder of the JRH3 Pirate Invasions at Ginnie Springs Campouts where she hared many trails and acted as hash cook several times.

Religious Advisor (RA) & Alt GM
Commandeered in 2009

Rectal Room Mate

Conducts hash religion at the start and end and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Naming Meister,
Raffle Meister, Alt Hash Flash &
Alt RA

Commandeered in 2010
Head Plant VaJJ

Suggests possible naming candidates to the GM, hands out naming questionnaire forms to candidates, sees that complete questionnaires get passed around, introduces potential naming candidates during the circle at the start, reads the naming questionnaire to the pack during the circle at the end, provides the RA with the questionnaire to conduct the naming, conducts hash raffles, takes photos during the hash and the on after , acts as Alternate RA at the start and end and otherwise helps out as necessary.

JRH3 100s Run Hare &
Alt RA
Commandeered in 2012
Metawhorical Sunshine

Has hared ever run equally divisible by 100 since the 800th JRH3 run! Conducts hash religion at the start and end and otherwise helps out as necessary.

Honorary Lost On Trail (Passed On) Hashers

Commandeered in 2022 as a Spare Hare. Shitting Bull's (Cecil Johnson)  first trail with the JRH3 was on Oct 28, 2020Feb 5th, 2003 and his last trail with us was on Feb 2nd, 2024 while on the JRH3's Annual Hash Cruise.  Shitting Bull accomplished 58 JRH3 hashes and laid 12 JRH3 trails. Shitting Bull downed on Apr 13th, 2024 while attempting a water crossing at the Oklahoma Interhash. Shitting Bull and his life partner, Math Sucks . . were on a nation wide tour of the country in his RV, doing what they love to do, hashing and traveling, when this occured. Shitting Bull was a good friend to everyone he met and was loved by everyone. .God bless him and may he rest in peace. On Up!

Shitting Bull Spare Hare

Commandeered in 2005 as a Religious Advisor and Alternate GM. Kitty Litter's first trail with the JRH3 was on Feb 5th, 2003 and his last trail with us was on Mar 2nd 2019 where he drove the beer truck for us. Kitty attended 751 JRH3 hashes and laid 64 trails. He had the 2nd most trails with the JRH3 at that time. He passed away on Apr 29th, 2019 after fighting cancer for 6+ months. He is greatly missed. God bless him and may he rest in peace. On Up!

Kitty Litter
(Carl Schwartz)

Was our longest lasting Religious Advisor, Alternate GM, and our self appointed Hash Historian.

Was never an actual member of JRH3 mis-management, however, Nathan contributed in another very unique way. He created body molding art out of plaster of paris for those desiring it. He made his service available at many on afters and hash campouts. Nathan attended 125 JRH3 hashes before he had a stroke in 2018 and then passed away on Dec 25th, 2018 after suffering from another stroke a few days prior. Both strokes were a result of his diabetes that he struggled with since childhood. He was a dear friend to everybody he knew and will be greatly missed. Rest in peas Nathan and On Up! 

Plaster Bait Her
(Nathan Naylor)
Plaster Molding Artist

He was never an official active member of JRH3 Mismanagement, but he was our Honorary Beer Truck Driver & Crash Space Provider. Commandeered in 2006-2018. Was always available to drive the beer truck, when needed and gave more out-of-town traveling hasher crash space more than anyone else. Larry passed away on Apr 2nd, 2018 after being permanently lost on trail due to brain cancer. He was a friend to all and is much missed.  On Up I Be Smart!

I Be Smart
(Larry Graham)

Was our "Honorary" Beer Truck Driver, Crash Space Host and otherwise helped out as necessary.

She was a very active and loved member of JRH3 Mismanagement for years as an OnSec, Scribe and most recently,  Religious Advisor. She was commandeered in 2008. She created the Annual JRH3 Football's Back Hash, Hared 2 JRH3 Pirate Red Dress Runs and was up to hare a 3rd before she was fatally hit by a car on trail, in Orlando, on Aug 29th, 2014, doing what she loved to do among friends, hashing. She was a treasure and is much missed. God bless her and may she rest in peace. On Up!

(Debra Desmond)

Conducted hash religion, blessed the hares, acted as OnSec, Hash Scribe, Alt GM, was a friend to all and otherwise helped out as necessary.


Info coming soon. Stroke

Regular attendee.

Photo coming soon.


Inactive, Mismanagement Positions

Mismanagement members who's attendance falls below 1 out of the last 10 JRH3 hashes, without good reason, are automatically moved into the below, "Inactive" status. Nobody ever actually gets fired, or retired from the JRH3 mismanagement, as long as they occasionally show up. However, after 2 years they may become an alternate position to allow for fresh blood to get experience, or if their attendance stays below 5 out of 10 for a prolonged period of time. Or, they may become semi-inactive, or inactive and should expect to be called upon at any time to resume their previous job.

Hostitute Religious Advisor Commandeered in 2003
Virgin4Life Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2003

WillSing4Head Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2004

DickRash Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2004

Tampon Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2004

DeadFishTaco  Scribe (Hash Trash)

Commandeered in 2004

DeBoner Scribe (Hash Trash)

Commandeered in 2004

MoreSex Song Mistress

Commandeered in 2004

Oedafist CheesyHo

Commandeered in 2005

RacingStripes Spare Hare

Commandeered in 2005

KittyLingus Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2006

GooLiteSpecial On Sec Commandeered in 2007
RoomService Hash Flash Commandeered in 2007
CaughtFromBehind Religious Advisor Commandeered in 2007
Chaptized Alt Grand Master Commandeered in 2007
Chaptized Hash Chaplain Commandeered in 2007
Begs2Cum Spare Hare

Commandeered in 2007

3.5"Floppy SongMeister

Commandeered in 2007

XenaThePrincessWarrior Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2008

BenGay  Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2008

JuggleThese Hash Jester

Commandeered in 2008

GooLiteSpecial Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2008

HarelipDog Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2008

Bed&BucFest On Sec

Commandeered in 2008

Bed&BucFest Scribe

Commandeered in 2008

LightningRod OnSec

Commandeered in 2008

NautiCallGirl OnSec

Commandeered in 2009

GatorAteMyPenis Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2009

KittyLitter On After Song Meister

Commandeered in 2007

KittyLitter Hash Rubber

Commandeered in 2008

SaigonSally Hash Flash

Commandeered in 2009

Likes2Watch Beer Truck Driver

Commandeered in 2010

HotQuarterLoad Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2010

AccidentalAnal Hash Flash

Commandeered in 2010

WannaEarnAnA OnSec

Commandeered in 2010

BlindPussy Song Meister

Commandeered in 2009

BlindPussy Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2009

GayRodeoClown Hare Raiser

Commandeered in 2010

CasualFriday Religious Advisor

Commandeered in 2010

CasualFriday Scribe

Commandeered in 2008

WhineyBitch OnSec

Commandeered in 2010

GayRodeoClown H3vent Mangler

Commandeered in 2007

TaintTickler Raffle Meister

2010 - 2012

ShipWrecktum Religious Advisor 2010 - 2013
ThumperHumper Song Meister 2011 - 2013
SpicyDickSlapper Haberdasher 2012 - 2014
IndaLinda Scribe 2011 - 2014
BlowingForGold OnSec 2013 - 2014
Bed-N-Bucfest Religious Advisor  2014 -2014
SmackMyBitchUp Hash Flash 2013 - 2014
SpicyDickSlapper Religious Advisor 2012 -2014
IndaLinda Hash Trash 2012 - 2014
SnatchWrapper Hash Flash 2013 - 2015
UrineTrouble OnSec 2011-2015
DiaperDasher SpareHare 2011-2015
ThumperHumper Religious Advisor 2013 - 2015
Dog F'cker Religious Advisor 2014 - 2015
RangerRalph Religious Advisor 2014 - 2015
BermudaLoveTriangle Spare Hare 2015 -2015
WillyWankaAndTheCumFactory OnSec & Hash Flash 2013 -2016
LumberjackOff Spare Hare 2015-2016
NoTitsForYou Religious Advisor 2015-2016
IndaLinda OnSec 2011-2016
AccessAllAreas OnSec 2015-2016
ClitterPuss HashFlash 2016-2016
Shitty Name Religious Advisor 2011-2016
F'ckleUp Religious Advisor 2010-2017
WillSing4Head Religious Advisor 2004-2017
BloodySanchez Religious Advisor 2016-2019
Puppy OnSec 2003-2019
Tootsie Hole Religious Advisor 2019-2019
Virgin Mobile Religious Advisor 2018-2020
Quick'n Moans OnSec 2019-2021
Capt Mike Beer Tuck Driver 2020-2022
2Thighs And A Side Religious Advisor 2015-2022
Sheep It In The Family On Sec 2022-2022
Black & Pecker Anal Wrecker Religious Advisor 2017-2022
HeadPlantVagina (HPV) Namings, Raffle, HashFlash, Alt RA 2010-2023
Shitting Bull Spare Hare 2022-2024