Circle Up: Trail #1738, Feb 12th, 2025: READ This! "Circle up for Trail #1738! 

Chalk: "If you haven't already done so, please put your chalk in the orange bucket!

Hare Down Down: ASK THE HARES IF THEY WANT TRAIL TRIAL!  If not, just sing SHI-TTY TRAIL, Shitty Trail.... And then thank them for volunteering to hare.

1st Timers, Virgins:
Good time? Cuming back? Entertainment?

Visitors & Returning Visitors:
Song from your home hash?

FRB__________________, FBI__________________ The end only, not the BS! Nobody cares about the BS!

Whistles: JustAlJoseM, JustYoshiJ, NoBlowBarbie,  Bananas: 10:MyInvagination 25:BreadSpread, HotNutz, LadyGagGag, 50:Boobilocks 200:U-Drive 250:DarkHelmet Hare Tags: None right now.

Previous Brainless Award Winner:
Haz, TaintedLove, (BreadSpread&JustEricR), Dab, AnalBeadz, JustKaitlyn(Cartwheels?) BlackLight, NoF'kNoBond, LockedUpAbroad, OnAhead

Today's Brainless Winner: Fill in name here

Chalk Suckers: "Does anybody still have chalk? If so, come in for a down down because I asked for it earlier."

General Accusations:
Birthdays, Not hared in 6 months, Themeless, Gone2Lng, LateCmr, Awrdls, H3 Attire, Auto Hashing, Shoes, Departing, Other?

Namings, Announcements: Need hares? Next hash? Major Events? Where's the On after?

Closing Song:
Suggest you conduct a short version unless we have "local" virgins.

Circle at the Start