JRH3 - 13th Annual Hash Cruise
Wed, Jan 26th, 2022
Bonaire Invasion & Trail, 7 AM - 3 PM
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Breakfast: 7:30-9:30 AM: Forward or Aft Dining Room, Deck 3 and try to sit with hashers. They want everyone in your party to be present when they seat you, so you might want show up in a group.

Invade: 10:30 AM Get off the ship and proceed to the hash starting, at Andreas Quintan Roo - Cozumel Municipal Park. see photo. Its 0.3 south of the "North" Pier next to the Mega Supermarket and 2 miles north of the "South" Pier on the road that runs next to the beach, Av Rafael E Melgar. We don't know which pier we will dock at yet. So be prepared to go north or south from the port.

Circle Up for a "Tutu" Hash: 11 - 11:30 AM: Check in, chalk talk, and on off on trail. Tutu's, sneakers and swim suits recommended.

On After: Immediately After & down downs: No Name Bar, 0.1 miles north of the start.

Re-board Ship! 7 PM: Be back aboard ship, or at least in line to board ship.

Anchors Away! 8 PM: Ship Sails!

Dine: 8 PM: Reflection (Forward) Dining Room, Deck 3, Forward Ship.

Late Night: During dinner our Mistress Of Misadventures (MOM), Math Sucks... will come around the to our diner tables and advise us on our "group" late night activity. This info will also be posted on her cabin door, cabin #2211.